Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Mrs Bucket!

For the novice blogger like myself, getting to grips with Photobucket was yet another challenge in the slow and sometimes painful process.
But it did bring a smile to my face when I logged in and realised that my account is R..... Bucket!
Almost immediately, scary visions of Hyacinth sprang to mind.
The social-climbing snob and her candlelight suppers, who insists her surname is pronounced Bouquet, from the BBC sitcom Keeping Up Appearances
For those who never watched the show, or those who enjoyed it and need a reminder:
So from one Mrs Bucket to all the other Mrs Buckets out there,
Take care.


  1. Ah yes, Mrs Bookay, the lady of the house! Very silly programme but quite amusing.

  2. I used to call my Mum Hyacinth *g* She hated it! But she had such a posh telephone voice she used to adapt that was dropped the moment she realised it was 'just' one of us lot on the phone!

  3. Hi Rose are you now Mrs Buckets sister, :lol: do hope not

  4. Photobucket is not my friend.
    LOL @ Mrs Bouquet
